imc’s Global
Modern Slavery Policy

Policy statement

imc is committed to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking in all forms. We will not
tolerate any form of forced labour, child labour, bonded labour, or human trafficking within our
operations or supply chain. We are committed to ensuring that our business and supply chain
partners share our values and adhere to the highest ethical standards.

The prevention, detection and reporting of modern slavery in any part of our business or supply
chain is the responsibility of everyone, who works for imc or is under the control of the imc

This policy applies to all imc employees, directors, officers, consultants, contractors, agents,
representatives, business partners, sponsors, interns, casual workers and student workers.


Last Update: 05. June 2024

I. Introduction

imc is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and human rights
throughout our operations and supply chain. We recognise the seriousness of modern slavery
and human trafficking and are dedicated to preventing these abuses in all aspects of our business.
This policy outlines our commitment to compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act and all other
pertinent legislation, as well as our approach to preventing modern slavery in our operations and
supply chain.

II. Definitions

Exploitation: Slavery, servitude or forced or compulsory labour; sexual exploitation including but
not limited to prostitution and sexual offences against children; the removal of organs unless duly
authorised by the competent authorities; the securing of services or other benefits/advantages by
force, threat or deception; and the securing of services by children or physically or mentally ill or
disabled persons, where it is reasonable to expect, that someone would have refused them, but
for their vulnerability.

Human trafficking: The organisation or facilitation of the travel of another person for the purpose
of exploiting that person. It is irrelevant, whether this person has consented to the journey or not.
The exploitation does not have to have actually taken place.


Modern slavery: This includes slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human

III. Responsibilities

Senior Management: Senior management is responsible for overseeing the implementation of
this policy and ensuring compliance with the Modern Slavery Act. They will provide leadership,
resources, and support to promote a culture of transparency and accountability.

Employees: All employees are responsible for familiarising themselves with this policy and
conducting themselves in accordance with its principles. Employees should report any concerns
or suspicions of modern slavery or human trafficking promptly and confidentially to their manager
or the designated point of contact.

Supply Chain Partners: We expect our suppliers, contractors, and business partners to share
our commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking. We will work collaboratively
with them to assess and address risks within our supply chain and promote compliance with the
Modern Slavery Act.

IV. Due Diligence

We will conduct due diligence assessments to identify and mitigate the risk of modern slavery
within our operations and supply chain. This includes:

  • Assessing the risk of modern slavery in our operations and supply chain, including
    geographical locations and industry sectors.
  • Evaluating our suppliers and business partners to ensure they meet our standards for
    ethical conduct and human rights.
  • Implementing measures to monitor and address any instances of modern slavery or
    human trafficking identified
V. Reporting Violations

In the event of a reasonable suspicion of a breach of this policy, the Compliance Office must be
informed immediately. The Compliance Office can be contacted via the e-mail address set up for
this purpose ([email protected]), the ticket provided for this purpose within the ticket system
or via the contact details listed below. The same applies if a company of the imc Group receives
an official notification concerning an alleged involvement in slavery activities.

Alexandra Razmakhaeva, LL.M.
Legal & Compliance Officer

E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

VI. Continuous Improvement through Training and Awareness

imc will provide training and awareness to ensure that employees and relevant stakeholders
understand the risks of modern slavery and their responsibilities under this policy.


We are committed to continuously improving our efforts to prevent modern slavery and human
trafficking. We will review and update this policy regularly to reflect changes in legislation, best
practices, and emerging risks. We will also monitor our performance and seek feedback from
stakeholders to inform our ongoing efforts.

VII. Reporting and Compliance

imc will maintain accurate records and documentation to demonstrate compliance with the
Modern Slavery Act and all other pertinent legislation. We will submit an annual statement
detailing our efforts to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking, as required by law. This
statement will be approved by senior management and published on our website.

VIII. Conclusion

imc is committed to taking a proactive and robust approach to preventing modern slavery and
human trafficking. We recognise that eradicating these abuses requires collaboration,
transparency, and sustained effort across our organisation and supply chain. By adhering to this
policy and working together with our stakeholders, we can make a meaningful contribution to
ending modern slavery worldwide.

This policy serves as a framework for addressing modern slavery within the organisation and
promoting compliance with the Modern Slavery Act and all other pertinent legislation.