illustration of networked people
Partner training
Successful training in the extended enterprise
Rethinking partner training

Successfully training partners and customers in the extended enterprise scenario

Icon representing instructors
Qualified personnel

A high level of professionalism and competence lead to better customer service.




function icon
High productivity

Better support through training increases employee engagement and therefore productivity.


corporate success icon
Increased revenues

Well-trained employees increase revenues by closing more deals.



illustration of business success

Global business success depends on many factors

Organisations and employees outside of your own workforce play a major role for your global business success. Frequent service and product updates necessitate training those involved with your offering beyond the boundaries of your company (extended enterprise training).


Companies that involve their sales channels, partners and customers in their learning process are a big step ahead of the competition. What’s more: Good training courses make for satisfied employees and greater productivity. Professionally trained personnel also increase revenues by closing more deals.

Companies face many challenges

Continuous training and human resource development measures – as well as the verification thereof – pose a real challenge. Quite often, thousands of employees across diverse locations around the world need to be integrated.


In many occupations, continuing professional development (CPD) is mandatory each year. This includes non-employee financial accountants, physicians and insurance brokers. Legal requirements must be met and qualifications must be maintained.

photograph of woman on smartphone
helpful worker taking call

Provide learning content to all interest groups

Integrating a learning management system (LMS) into other enterprise systems can create real added value. Ideally, learners should be integrated into the work process. Easy implementation is the key to success.

An effective training platform needs to support a great range of requirements that different companies have, taking an extended enterprise approach. This includes multilingual offers and intelligent, precise and customer-specific real-time reporting that is easy to understand.

An innovative and intelligent LMS that revolves around real people has the capability for overcoming these challenges.

illustration of networked people

Interesting facts on extended enterprise


Successful learning in an extended enterprise scenario.

Case study: Eppendorf AG

Modern training for heterogeneous target groups.



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