ip 14.5 release illustration
The imc Learning Suite
update has arrived

Innovation Pack 14.7 comes with 180° feedback and new up-skilling options

The new update for the imc Learning Suite includes several features for a better user experience and more efficient learning management. Thanks to the new innovations, learners will have a better overview of acquired successes, achievements and planned courses. The brand new 180° course feedback helps to align the learning strategy even better to the needs of the learners.

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Effectiveness Check: 180° course feedback for real effectiveness controls

We give learning a visible value - with extensive effectiveness checks that provide valuable impulses to improve your learning activities.


How you benefit: The effectiveness check or 180° course feedback enables both learners and supervisors to give feedback on a course. While learners evaluate the effectiveness for themselves, supervisors evaluate the effectiveness of the course for individual employees. This provides those responsible in the company with a meaningful basis for evaluating the effectiveness of a course.

Cumulative skills: More sense of achievement in up-skilling

For the learner, skill scales are usually displayed in levels. If a stage goal is ticked off, a new skill is acquired. In real life it's different: while we learn, we continuously improve. This is why we have introduced cumulative skills. For more sense of achievement during the learning journey.


How you benefit: With cumulative skills, learners can make continuous progress through activities such as course success or learning paths by collecting points. This way they see immediate success after each learning activity instead of having to wait for the completion of a module.

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Everything learners wish for: The wish list for courses

Many of our customers offer a very large number of courses. This can make the decision for learners difficult. Therefore, we have added a wish list function as a help. This allows learners to easily remember content for later, just like on Netflix.


How you benefit: By adding courses to the wish list, learners can quickly and easily save courses that they are interested in, but that they don't want to or can't enrol in at the moment. Learners can then access their wish list at any time in their personal learning area and organize their wishes.