Turbocharging productivity with AI

Discover innovative use scenarios for generative AI in corporate learning

June brings all manner of exciting events. There’s the European football champs in Germany, the Paris Jazz Festival or the Mermaid Parade in New York. But one event in particular really has the L&D community buzzing: LEARNTEC. LEARNTEC is Europe’s premier show for digital learning. Held annually, it is where innovation leaders meet to explore the latest trends and tech in digital learning and development. The imc Innovation Campus at LEARNTEC 2024 will be showcasing innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) that are serious turbochargers of productivity.

Learntec 2024 Banner KI

A recent McKinsey study shows that generative AI could open the way to annual productivity gains of 2.6 to 4.4 trillion US dollars worldwide. That’s roughly equivalent to the market value of Apple and Amazon combined.

Good to know

“Generative AI” encompasses systems that can autonomously generate new content (e.g., text, images, videos) that’s barely distinguishable from human outputs. Examples include ChatGPT, MidJourney and Dall-E.


From industrial to intellectual revolution

The Industrial Revolution is the biggest breakthrough in productivity the world has seen to date. It transformed physical production processes. The emerging generative AI revolution is different. It centres around non-physical processes: complex, high-skill, high-pay areas like marketing, sales and software development. Generative AI will also bring major change to corporate learning and the way learning professionals work. Let’s take a look at three innovative use scenarios in corporate learning.

Scenario 1: Dynamic learning experiences with ChatGPT

In this scenario, learners use generative AI – specifically ChatGPT – as a sparring partner in dialogue-based training. imc Co-CEO Sven R. Becker explains: “There is an aspect of corporate learning that learning professionals have long underestimated. And that’s the fact that there are some things that are not amenable to abstract learning; they must be practised. This is always true of interpersonal skills.”

Classic examples here include communication and leadership training. Traditionally, learners have tended to practise these interactions through role-playing. One obvious weakness of this approach is that the training settings often feel rather contrived. This is where generative tools like ChatGPT come into their own: they are very good at coming across as human. The idea here is for the chatbot to give learners dynamic and personalised training experiences that feel highly natural.

imc is putting the spotlight on this at LEARNTEC 2024 with an innovative training tool based on psychological personality models, including the Big Five.

Dynamic learning experiences with ChatGPT

Scenario 2: Smart assistants for content creation

As well as giving learners new training experiences, AI will play a major role in the creation of (learning) content. At the imc Innovation Campus, we’ll be demonstrating how generative AI can help learning professionals with content creation through task automation (“Simplify your life”) and optimisation (“Improve your life”).

Infographic AI

The Power of AI in E-Learning:

“Quiz questions are a good example of the improvements achievable through AI,” Becker explains. “Inexperienced e-learning authors generally find developing good questions and answers very time-consuming. They tend to produce overly simplistic answers. AI can help with that by producing better outputs.” All the exciting possibilities of AI in content creation aside, there’s one thing Becker is very clear about: “AI is good at outputs. But with e-learning, what counts is outcomes. So, it’s important to retain quality control mechanisms – regardless of whether the content is AI- or human-generated.”

Scenario 3: The future of LMS use is changing

“Data is the new oil,” a 2017 Economist headline intoned. Since then, this famous quote has been the cause of much debate. But, oil or not, data is definitely one of the most important commodities of the 21st century. AI-powered systems can analyse data, recognise patterns, predict future trends and automate workflows. Sven Becker: “AI represents a paradigm shift in human-machine interaction. In the future, we won’t be instructing machines on what to do and how to do it. We’ll simply be telling them what output we want.”

Imagine, for example, that a company’s global L&D department wants a report on the utilisation rate of its training capacity in Brazil. In the past, creating this report was a very expensive and time-consuming exercise. The analysis generally had to be routed via the platform provider. By contrast, an LMS with AI functionality can analyse all the databases and generate the report in mere seconds. The learning professional’s task then becomes one of analysis and drawing conclusions. Other examples of workflows automated by AI include personalised learning recommendations and automated learning path creation. In the video below, Sven Becker explains how the new imc Learning Suite Co-Pilot will revolutionise LMS use. The technology will be officially launched at LEARNTEC.

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Interview w/ Sven R. Becker on AI Assistant EN subtitles

Further information

Visit us at LEARNTEC and find out more about these scenarios and other innovative applications of AI. We’ll be offering expert sessions where you can discover how you can use smart AI tools to create learning content in just five minutes. For details of our full programme, go to the event page on our website.


Experience AI at the imc Innovation Campus

Join us when we present our innovations and products at LEARNTEC 2024 in Karlsruhe. This year's focus: innovations in the field of AI. Book your appointment with us now and receive a free visitor ticket.

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I've been part of imc's marketing & communication team since 2014. My heart beats for exciting content and digital innovation. My goal is to share the stories behind digital learning tools. My passions besides my job are good books and sports.
Photo of Vanessa Klein
Vanessa Klaes
Senior Event and Communication Manager