Learning Management Systems
What constitutes a good learning platform in schools?
Learning Management Systems in schools
What constitutes a good learning platform?
The frequency of using a learning management system (LMS) has increased significantly compared to the time before the Corona Pandemic. There are many ways to use an LMS, but the questions arise: Which functions are really important? What should schools look for when introducing an LMS? We have summarised the most useful functions.
The use of learning management systems (LMS) was pushed forward mainly because of the Corona Pandemic and since then many schools cannot imagine teaching without them.
A survey showed the frequency of the use of learning management systems in the classroom.
Evaluation before Corona
- 9.3% used in most lessons
- 29.9% used in some lessons
- 63.7% never used
Current evaluation:
- 38.9% used in most hours
- 19.1% used in some hours
- 42.7% never used
Learning platforms enable digital exchange between teachers and learners, promote self-directed learning by students and facilitate the provision of teaching materials. But not all LMSs are the same.
Learning platforms differ in terms of their complexity and functions. You should therefore consider in advance which criteria the learning platform in your school should fulfil and for which tasks it should be used.
We have summarised the most useful functions that every learning platform in a school should fulfil, in an infographic, which you can also download free of charge at the very bottom.
If you would like to know which of these functions the imc Learning Management System for schools fulfils, please contact us.

Infographik of the Month: Learning management systems in schools – What constitutes a good learning platform?
Download and further information
The info graphic you can download for free as PDF.

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