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New Work. It’s been the talk of the business world in recent months, and that’s certainly true here at imc. Not that we were ever happy just to leave it at words. So, a year ago exactly we decided to turn our working world on its head and try something new.
Our New Work model would be 100 percent flexible – but not 100 percent remote. Our goals were specific, our aims high, and our motivation strong. Since then, there have been new benefits, new structures and changes aplenty. But what could we do better? What else needs to be done? And what do our employees think? Let’s take a look at the highlights and see what we can learn from the year that was.
Quite a lot has changed for us after a year of hybrid working. We’ve gone 100 percent flexible but not 100 percent remote – while staying true to our corporate goals, as intended. There have been other changes too, such as our new workation model, a new onboarding programme and new offices. And the feedback from our employees shows we’ve taken the right approach and the transformation is meeting with approval. But what’s the verdict from the company’s point of view?
Christian Wachter, Chair of the Executive Board of imc, shares his take: “For us as imc, the New Work transformation has been a major step in the right direction. Employees and job applicants alike definitely see it as a plus. Our new structures and work philosophy provide an up-to-date, flexible way of responding to today’s challenges and needs and providing an attractive working environment. And we’ve done that in a way that allows us to stay on track with our corporate objectives.”
But all the positives aside, the introduction of New Work is by no means a guaranteed success. It requires active, collaborative design, as Elke Zastrau, Head of Human Resources and member of the New Work Transformation team, explains.
“For us, New Work is an ongoing transformation process that’s all the more challenging because there are no role models that are 100 percent transferable. Also, certain general challenges are more difficult in a hybrid context. Hence, on the transformation team we’re looking at how our leaders shape aspects like individual recognition, identification, interaction, and inclusion. We’re also paying particular attention to issues relating to productivity, results focus and innovativeness at imc.”
So, what milestones have we achieved in 12 months of New Work? Let’s take a closer look and reflect on the highlights.
Our new onboarding programme has been a major hit – with existing staff as well as new hires. That’s because, with our transformation under way, the time was also right to rethink our old onboarding journey. Alongside global processes, we wanted to create a harmonised journey that did more than merely inspire and motivate new staff. It had to communicate our brand and all its associated values as well. It was also important to take a hybrid approach because, our love of digitalisation aside, we know that communication has to be human. Accordingly, the journey could not be purely digital. It had to include face-to-face meet-ups with staff at the office as well. Needless to say, there had to be room for fun and entertainment, too. And we’re very pleased with the results.
The aim of our new office concepts was to create even more scope for individual development and creativity. This was important because our workforce is highly diverse, with highly diverse needs. So, we set about giving our offices a new look on a small budget, with just a few simple tweaks. We wanted offices that were functional and versatile yet inviting. Spaces that were global in design, but with unique local character. The result? Modern workspaces that are flexible, enhance efficiency and create a pleasant working environment.
With hybrid working, the focus of our daily meetings has shifted away from the office and into the virtual world. But we want to make sure that’s not at the expense of effective collaboration. That’s why we’ve produced global communication guidelines and event formats – to break down internal structures and redefine work practices. Our individual locations, too, are working hard to create more and more contact points for collaboration and networking.
Our transformation to New Work also gave rise to our “imc Cares” health awareness initiative. The idea was to offer our employees support whenever they need it and to place a greater overall focus on health. That’s why we introduced a range of new employee benefits, including the voiio and My Seven Steps work-life-balance platforms. These were accompanied by various new initiatives, such as our employee-led health awareness month.
Our latest benefit takes effect immediately and allows employees to work at any location of their choosing outside of the office or their home. This creates greater flexibility around work location and enhances work-life balance. Who wouldn’t want to turn their evenings after work into a real holiday, in a real holiday spot?
Buoyed by the positive energy of the last year, we’re starting 2023 with new goals. But we also want to continue to support and drive our transformation process. The changes introduced need to be consolidated and further developed over the long term. These include the adaptation of our leadership programme and the continued professionalisation and improvement of our operating model. We’ll also be focussing on leadership and coaching in the New Work model. And needless to say, there will be one or two more office makeovers. Exciting times ahead! We’ll keep you posted.
New work needs new offices: That's why we have completely rethought our workspaces and redesigned them in just a few simple steps. Discover our new, modern room concepts.
We take you on a journey on the occasion of our 25th anniversary and show you why positive emotions, personal encounters and intercultural exchange are crucial for New Work.
I' ve been working as a permanent member of the imc Marketing & Communication Team since 2021. The mix of creative content creation, social media and online marketing activities excites me the most about my job.
My goal is to inspire people with creative and innovative content and to make the imc brand more tangible.
My passion besides my job? Travelling a lot and discovering the world. I am always happy to receive feedback or suggestions at Doreen.Hartmann@im-c.de!