Infopgraphic Gamification in Schools
Elements from the field of games and their use in the classroom

Games and fun in the classroom thanks to gamification

How gamification opens up new possibilities for imparting knowledge in the classroom

Games in the classroom? No longer a rarity! By this, of course, we do not mean that video games should be played in the classroom. We are talking about game elements that come from the field of video and computer games as well as from classic board and card games. This may sound bizarre at first, but it certainly has an added educational value.


Gamification elements create a learning environment in which students develop and gain positive learning experiences. This not only increases concentration in learning, but also motivation and joy. More and more teachers are therefore using game elements in their teaching.


We have taken an overview and summarised what these elements are and how they can be used appropriately.


We have summarised the most important information on the topic of gamification in the classroom in an infographic, which is also available for download free of charge.


We have summarised the most important information on the subject of gamification in an infographic, which is also available for free download.

Infographic Gamification

Infographik of the Month: Fun and games in the classroom thanks to gamification 

Download and further information

The info graphic you can download for free as PDF.

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