Onboarding Best Practices
Make your learners love your business

From Zero to Hero with Onboarding that your learners will love

Make your learners love your business

In the current "war for talents", good onboarding is central to retaining new employees in the long term. After all, loyalty to the company does not depend on salary and holiday days alone. It is important to create an emotional bond with the brand - genuine enthusiasm for the shared values and goals. But also when transitioning team members or managers to new positions, an onboarding program that fits the learning goals is the key to success. The content experts at imc know how to do this - with a hybrid approach and multimedia, multimodal learning journeys. Read on to find out more about how we create outstanding experiences that last.

Your individual tool kit that makes a difference

Icon representing Knowledge testing Quiz apps


Use quizzes to test and consolidate knowledge about your company in a playful way. Rankings and competitions increase learners' motivation.

Consistent brand experience

Our team develops e-learning content for you that perfectly matches your brand - for a consistent brand experience across all channels.

Icon representing Effective Quality

Speed to competency

Get your learners up to the required competence level faster through efficient onboarding, so they can get started straight away.


Employee engagement

Activate your learners through interactive training and boost their motivation from the first minute.


Familiarise new employees with your values, vision and mission to directly introduce them to your company culture.


Well thought-out stories convey knowledge in a playful and exciting way so that it sticks for a long time.


Get inspired

Colouring employees Vodafone-red

Together with us, Vodafone digitised the entire first week of their onboarding - for employees internally, in the shops and with partners. The result is an onboarding journey that gets the new colleagues excited about their new tasks from day one. Through videos, performance cards, web-based trainings and more, together we colour the new employees Vodafone-red.

Onboarding at imc

We at imc are experts in onboarding. Of course, we also want to implement this topic perfectly for our own employees. That's why we start at the preboarding stage to arouse curiosity and get our new colleagues excited about our company. The success proves us right: the feedback is great.

Defining shared values

With our help, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) has developed a comprehensive onboarding programme that inspires new employees with climate protection and the common GCF values. The result is so impressive that it even won platinum at the LearnX Awards 2021. We invite the new employees on a journey around the globe. An expedition where they visit different places around the globe - places that represent the GCF's issues, challenges and practices.

How to ensure onboarding success

Six vital modules for every digital onboarding concept


Where is e-learning content going?

Exploratory 3D Learning

Spatial depth brings profound changes to the world of professional development

We are ready for your learning project

We're happy to tell you more about how we can optimise onboarding for our customers.