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Build resilience with a
learning culture

When the Act of Learning Becomes a Habit

Organisations that can readily adapt and change are the one's that succeed. Those who look beyond using learning for compliance are reaping the benefits.

A featured article in The Australian Financial Review

Researcher Imed Bouchrika, writing on research portal Guide2Research, says training has become an integral part of workforce development, employee performance and organisational competitiveness, noting that “intellectual capital is valued just as much as physical and financial assets”.


“Training and development is most effective when implemented strategically, which involves content development, method of delivery and integration of technology,” Bouchrika writes.


To remain competitive, continuous learning has become imperative in creating and maintaining a sustainable advantage.

afr article

imc's featured article as printed in the Australian Financial Review

Nick Petch, head of learning experience design and strategy at imc Australia, says a “big shift” is needed in organisations’ approach to learning and development.


“For many organisations, the core skills and competencies that drive their organisations have shifted and changed almost overnight. Overcoming these challenges means radically changing the way learning and development occurs,” he says.

The adoption of a successful strategy starts by enabling organisations to shift their mindset and perspective towards learning.
Learning, according to Petch, occurs not through a single intervention but through “a multitude of experiences” taking place over the entirety of the employee life cycle. It must become deeply embedded as a way of working.
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Reaching Business Growth by Learning & Development

Bringing all parts of digital learning together will increase revenue, improve efficiencies and organisational growth.

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Redefining Your Organisation’s Learning and Development Strategy

The digital transformation of learning is having an immediate and notable impact on business performance. The dominant behaviours that will define success are adaptability, nimbleness and alignment.